Who is warren buff # What is the secret of Warren Buffett's success

             Learn the secret of success.

The wealthiest person in the world's fourth number, "Warren Buffe"

"Let's know about these men"

Warren Buffett is the person whom everyone knows and their identity is their success.Verren Buffet was born on October 30, 1930 in Omaha, America. Their full name is "Warren Edward Buffet"

Buffet has inherited the art of investment

His father Howard Edward worked as an investor and adviser. But they have failed in business too many times.

Professional specialties in Buffett were seen only in childhood. The world's most successful investor had filed his first income tax return at the age of only 13.

American company Berkshire Hathaway chairman and world's fourth richest man, Warren Buffett, is in discussion again this time. Buffett is going to donate 1.68 crore shares of his share in the company. Their worth is about 248 billion rupees. The donations that will be donated to this organization include Bill and Melenda Gates Foundation, Sherwood Foundation, Novo Foundation etc. Buffett has donated his 45% stake since 2006, whose total value is around Rs 2.35 lakh crore.

Warren credits most of his success to Baziman Graham. Beziman taught him the key to the stock market and investment. After two years of work here, Buffet started his work and started an investment firm named Buffett Partnership Limited. Buffett did not look back after this. Warren Buffett is still very much today. Prefer to live a simple life.

Buffett says that unless he uses any item for more than 20 years, he does not throw it. The habit of keeping things sticky for a long time is related to their investment strategy. They say that if they are ready to keep a stock for 10 years, then they do not buy it, they recommend investing in themselves for success.


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